February 23 to March 10, 2021 ribbon Canada Winter Games 2007
Volunteer sessions postponed
2006, October 30th:

Two information sessions for Canada Games volunteers have been postponed, due to the cold weather. Volunteers are advised to stay inside and stay warm!

The orientation session on Monday, November 27 at the Canada Games Volunteer Centre is cancelled. Volunteers will be contacted when the session is rescheduled.

A French information session for volunteers at L'Association franco-yukonnaise, scheduled for Tuesday, November 28 has also been cancelled. The session has been rescheduled for Tuesday, December 5th at 7:30 pm, and it will be held at the Canada Games Volunteer Centre.

For more information about upcoming information and orientation sessions for volunteers, please call the volunteer hotline at 393-2000 or drop by the Volunteer Centre at 1105 1st Ave.