February 23 to March 10, 2021 ribbon Canada Winter Games 2007
Sponsors convene in Whitehorse
2006, September 12th:

With preparations for the Games in full swing, sponsors are on the ground in Whitehorse getting to know the organization and its operations first hand.

Canada Winter Games Sponsors are in Whitehorse for the Games' Sponsorship Summit. Sixteen sponsors from across Canada, the North and the Yukon are attending the Sponsorship Summit from Wednesday, September 13 to Saturday, September 16.

The Summit offers sponsors a chance to see Whitehorse, all Games' facilities and to network with each other. Activities included a tour of the Games' premier sport facility, the Canada Games Centre, led by Whitehorse mayor Ernie Bourassa.

Sponsors also have the opportunity for discussion and consultation with the 2007 Canada Winter Games Host Society.

Sponsorship support is a major contributor to any Canada Games. The sponsorship efforts of the 2007 Canada Winter Games are well underway. To date more than $6 million has been raised; $1.4 million is from local sponsors.

The Host society intends to reward sponsors with a high degree of visibility, ensuring their support is fully recognized by all who come into contact with the Games as well as those who work and do business in Canada's North.

To see the Games' current sponsors, click here.