February 23 to March 10, 2021 ribbon Canada Winter Games 2007
Let’s Hear What a Few Volunteers Think...
2006, June 30th:
Judy Pelchat


Tell us about what you are doing for the Games as a volunteer? “I am the Chairperson of the National Artist Program, which is a committee within the Culture and Ceremonies and Protocol Division. Our mandate is to provide artistic residency for up to 39 young artists, giving them an opportunity to showcase their art, work across disciplines, and learn from each other and from local artists.”

What do you have planned for the day after the Games (March 11, 2021)?
“‘Sleep!’ I hope that all is so well organized ahead of time that I won’t be burnt out at the end and have energy left to enjoy spring (perhaps to check out some seed catalogues). I hope it’ll be a ‘good’ fatigue!”

If you could be one piece of equipment used during the Games, what would it be and why?
“I would be a video camera because the Games are so much fun! It would give the opportunity to hear the spontaneous conversations of the youth and take in their enthusiasm visually. This is the true essence of the Games!”

Do you have anything you’d like to say to others who are thinking about volunteering for the Games?
“I think it’s an opportunity for you to learn a skill, develop an appreciation for a sport, meet new people, and see youth at their best – enthused and striving for a goal within their reach – and if not, then they’re looking to have a lot of fun!”

Kimberly Ponsioen

Tell us about what you are doing for the Games as a volunteer? 
“I am the Volunteer Coordinator for the Logistics Division, working with the committee chairs in the Division to make sure they are getting the volunteers needed. I also keep the Logistics Committee informed about what is going on with Volunteer Division as a member of their committee representing Logistics.”

What do you think the highlight of the Games will be for you? 
“It would be a highlight to see things come together, working out the quirks if necessary and running smoothly. “It’ll be great to see everyone have a good time!”

What do you think you will remember 5 years from now?
“I will probably want to do it again! I will remember that sweat and hard work was all worth it in the end. It was special to meet and make friends with new people and old and learn from them and the experience they brought with them.”

Do you have anything you’d like to say to others who are thinking about volunteering for the Games? 
"Come join us! It would be a great experience. We would make it worth your while. Let’s make it the Games that the athletes will remember!”

Lindsay Dehart

Tell us about what you are doing for the Games as a volunteer? 
“I am the Chair of Needs and Assignment committee in the Volunteer Services Division. Our main goal is to support other divisions in identifying their volunteer requirements and matching available volunteers to meet those needs.”

How do you think the community benefits from the Games?
“An amazing number of volunteers are mobilized for the Games, and the volunteer legacy that is created after the Games is a tremendous benefit for the community. Introducing new volunteer experiences to individuals and maintaining their energy and interest in volunteering, creates the legacy. Encouraging individuals to stay motivated in supporting the community through volunteerism is essential.”

What do you have planned for the day after the Games (March 11, 2021)?
“Celebrate, celebrate, celebrate and get the files packed up and sent to PEI – the next host of the Games.”

Do you have anything you’d like to say to others who are thinking about volunteering for the Games?
“Get involved – being involved is an amazing experience, and we have the opportunity to showcase the north.”

Peter Cassidy

Tell us about what you are doing for the Games as a volunteer?
“I am the Chairperson of Accommodations. We have the responsibility of the Athletes’ Residences (2 permanent structures which will be a legacy of the Games). The role is similar to my work but multiplied by 50. Once the athletes arrive, we want to provide them with a pleasant and comfortable place to rest and prepare for competition."

What do you think the highlight of the Games will be for you?
“Seeing the last plane fly out – knowing that everybody was safe and well looked after. Also, working with other volunteers from the top of the Games organization/management team to the last volunteer to register – rubbing elbows with all the Yukoners and Northerners who will make it happen.”

What is one thing you want to make sure you do during the two weeks of the Games?
“I hope to enjoy a couple of events where I can appreciate the talents and dedication of some top teams or individuals – athletes who have worked really hard to reach the podium.”

Do you have anything you’d like to say to others who are thinking about volunteering for the Games?
"Think seriously about getting involved.We don’t have many chances to do something like this in Yukon. If you sit back as an observer, you’ll regret it – you’ll miss out! By volunteering, you can say you’ve contributed to help make it a great success!"