February 23 to March 10, 2021 ribbon Canada Winter Games 2007
Ontario Finishes Undefeated in Squash Preliminaries
2007, March 8th:

The four Canada Games squash courts took a rhythmic pounding this week as 91 athletes served up their best efforts in 214 round robin matches.

Heading into the medals round are both men's and women’s teams for Alberta, Ontario, and British Columbia, joined by Quebec’s men and Manitoba’s women.

The Ontario teams not only topped their pools based on team “encounter” scores, but did so without a single team member losing a match (first three games out of five).

Matches early in the round robin often ended swiftly, as strong teams made decisive wins over the less strong. Later in the schedule, when contenders were more evenly matched, rallies and matches lasted longer and the stands roared with cheers and noise-makers.

A tight contest between Alberta and Quebec top-ranked male players went to five games out of five, with the last game favouring Alberta 9-7. Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador also had a five-game battle between their number two male players, with the rubber going to the latter team by a slim 9-10.

The Yukon women’s team won eight matches out of 20, giving them two victories out of five in the team encounters and fourth-place standing in the B pool. Their male counterparts had less success winning matches, but had several exciting 7-9 squeakers in a match’s fifth game.