February 23 to March 10, 2021 ribbon Canada Winter Games 2007
Students prepare historical show for visitors
2007, March 5th:

There's something in the air in Whitehorse. Students from the Music Arts Drama and Dance (MAD) program will be showing Games visitors what the Yukon is really about.

Three years in the making, Up Here is a short play that features song and dance numbers, First Nations legends, Robert Service, the mighty Joe Boyle and the Mad Trapper of Rat River. The story follows a young girl from Toronto on a wild ride through Yukon's past and present.

The Music Arts and Drama program is a unique fine arts school. Grade 9 to 12 students from all over the Yukon gather for a chance to obtain high school credits for doing theatre all day. 

Showtimes:      March 1-3 (8:00 p.m.)
                       March 3-4 (2:00 p.m.)

Location:       411 Wood Street (Wood Street School)
Tickets:        At the door or call 667-8413 to reserve